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Pleasure is a gateway to accessing your fullest, truest personhood.

- Emily Nagoski

Welcome, I'm Lucky.

Your pocket sized good luck charm


If we haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, let me tell you a little about myself. I've been a companion for four years, and couldn't imagine doing anything else. To me true companionship is based on empathy, trust, and passion. Regardless of what brought us together, the time we share will be centered around the exploration of all types of pleasure. Connection and intimacy are best found where joy and desire meet. I believe strongly all people deserve to feel that kind of connection. Creating this space for us is one of my greatest delights. Whether we are exploring a new city, curled up in bed, or out to dinner I'll make you feel like we are the only people in the world. Allow me to put you at ease and let desire take its course.


I'm an island women to my core, born and raised right here in Victoria B.C. An avid adventurer, I've had the pleasure of exploring the whole island, and of course skinny dipping in the beautiful lakes. Often described as a forest nymph, I love the outdoors. When I'm not out adventuring, you can often find me curled up with my cat, a cup of coffee, and a good book. 

You may also notice my chest in photos. I was pre-cancerous and had a double mastectomy. I want to live a long and fulfilling life. Brimming with passion, pleasure, and travel. It's because of this I decided to have the surgery, I'm so proud of my body and my strength. Allow me to share my appetite for life with you, let's relish in all it has to offer.

Yours adoringly,


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If I Was A...

Time of Day: Golden hour

Flower: Sunflower

Element: Water

Drink: Dirty chai

Place: Venice

Season: Spring

Colour: Yellow

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The little details...

Age: 24
Height: 5'2"
Tattoos/piercings: Many
Sexuality: Bisexual/queer
Fun Fact: I used to be a competitive gymnast
Favourite Book: The Ocean At The End Of The Lane by Neil Gaiman
Go To Drink: Craft beer or sparkling wine

"Trust your body. Trust it so completely you're willing to jump with it into the unknown. That jump is joy"

- Emily Nagoski

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When I first met Lucky (almost three years ago), I realized she was a stunning mix of heavenly sprite and seductive librarian. Now every time I see her she completely overwhelms me with her intuitive touch, her electric desire, and her soft soulful presence. Her angelic face and unrelenting skill always heals, always transcends. And memories of our shared ecstasies and laughter, of our charged erotic connection, never fail to sustain me.
- I
What others are saying...
And there is no room for doubt-a visit with this beautiful young lady will leave a spring in your step and a song in your heart. Lucky describes herself as more "cute and giggly" than "sexy and sultry" but trust me her sex appeal is off the charts.  Lucky is also a blast to hangout with. After a few minutes of rest and a long drink of water, she snuggled up and our conversation flowed so naturally.
- J
Been a "hobbyist" for many years here in Vic. Rarely get blown away with the sensual connection like hers. Her personality is lustfully demure and erotic. Her smile and laughter warm the soul. Playful and sinful... a true beauty inside and out. Erotic? sensual ? sexual ? Oh hell yeah! Have seen her 16 times over last year or so and never once been anything but totally expended and with a huge grin in my face that lasts for days. Take things slow, take 2 hrs. If you can. You will be amazingly pleased you did. She is back gentlemen and we count ourselves lucky.
- I
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